Sunday, October 31, 2010

November 1st Sketch

This months Sketch has been designed by Kim Kendell and see the first of the layout's from the new designers for Scrap With V.

So please enjoy the inspiration these lovely ladies have created in their layouts for you.

This is Kim Kendell's take on the sketch

This is Belinda Spencer's take on the sketch

This is Ann Lavin's take on the sketch

This is Irit Shalom's take on the sketch

This is Valerie Bishop's take on the sketch

This is Lindy Gillespie's take on the sketch

This is Alaine Bucknall's take on the sketch

This is Annette Gearside's take on the sketch

This is Vanessa Waller's (Ness) take on the sketch

This is Winnie Chia's take on the sketch

Why not give this sketch a go, link your take to Mr Linkie below to be in the running to win a great prize pack from Scrap with V.

Entries close at midnight 3oth November.

Looking forward to seeing your take!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Design Team Announcement

Wow!! what a response we've had for the DT call.

So many very talented ladies applied and it was sooooo hard to decide, unfortunately I can't take everyone as much as I would love to. Thank you to all who applied.

So without further ado I would like to announce our new designers joining our already talented team.

We have a number of ladies from Australia as well as international ladies too.

Please welcome to the team

Lisa Kamphius
Tina Reynolds
Ann Lavin
Natalie Hearn
Alaine Bucknall
Nicole Knopke
Yvonne Sheppard
Chris Wormald

and now for our international ladies, please welcome

Valerie Bishop - USA
Irit Shalom - Israel
Amy Bender - USA
Karolina Wyciślik - Poland
Kristie Taylor - USA
Amanda Jones - UK
Winnie Chia - Singapore

Welcome to the Scrap with V team, I am sure you will enjoy your time with us.

Introductions of our new designers will follow tomorrow for a few days be sure to visit to meet our wonderful team of designers.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pink Lady for Breast Cancer

Being the month of October and the "Think Pink" fundraiser we had for the October Cyber Crop, I made this dress form to represent Be-Uplifted Inc, the lovely "Pink Lady"

Using a Creative Imaginations Jeramee Dress Form from the shop, I painted her body. Then using some lovely pink satin material I had laying around I cut out a bra design and a strip for the skirt. I also used some netting for the underskirt which I cut as a strip too. I then gathered along one edge of the netting and the satin with cotton and thread and glued to the body of my dress form. For the bra I just used glue stick to adhere to the dress form.

Then on with the bling LOL!! I used Kaiser rhinestone strips and glued them on with clear glue around the base of the net skirt, satin skirt and right around the bra using it also to create the straps for the bra.

I also found a pink beaded fringe that I had laying around so I used that around the waist to create the waistband gluing it to the edge of the skirt. Finishing it off with another strip of kaiser rhinestones.

To complete her I added a pretty crystal button to her bra.

Now you could also add some wings to her and make her a boobie fairy.

Check the dress form out in the store click here, only 3 left available. Comes bare ready for you to create your own beauty how you like.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Think Pink for Breast Cancer October Cyber Crop - WINNERS

Well what a Cyber Crop we had this month. With the theme of "Think Pink" and a great fundraiser it has been, with all monies raised going to Be-Uplifted.

Now for the drum roll please........... and the winners are ...

Challenge 1 - Julianne McKenna de Luman

Challenge 2 - Sketch Challenge - Debbie E.

Card Challenge - Susan Grant

Mystery/Blind Challenge - Kylie Howland

Design Team Only Challenge - Jodi Dolbel

ATC Challenge - Julianne McKenna de Luman

So many fabulous layouts in the Gallery for the Cyber Crop absolutely amazing work everyone!! and a big congratulations to all our winners.

Winners of the challenges will receive a fantastic pack of A2Z Scraplets Mystery Pack in the mail very soon, donated by Julie at A2Z Scraplets.

Thanks so much to everyone for participating. We will be back with more for you soon, once we tally the money raised, and layouts to share from the Layout Auction. The Auction for the ATC's is still running so get those bids in to win yourself a fantastic set of Think Pink ATC's!!

NOW for the door prize!! and the lucky winner of $150 worth of Prima goodness is....



Friday, October 22, 2010

Things To Do With A Twiddleybitz Box...

So the postie recently delivered me a lovely Twiddleybitz Box. Only problem was it was the wrong one! Not naming anyone here!! LOL But never fear I thought of a great use for it!! My mum's birthday is coming up (well it's Sunday actually) and she loves all things sewing about a beautiful decorative box to display on the shelf in her sewing room. I'm not really one for OTP projects to tell the truth, I prefer layouts, cards and ATCs, but it doesn't hurt to get outside your comfort zone now and then. And you know what...I loved making it and it came together really quickly with some sewing themed papers and embellies. I even Mod Podged on some torn pieces of actual sewing patterns. I gave the whole box a coat of Mod Podge too just to prolong the life of the papers and for ease of cleaning. So what do you think?...

...and here's a couple of close ups...

...aren't those chippie cotton spools so cool? All I did to achieve the aged metallic look was give them a coat of PVA Glue. I waited until it became quite tacky and then pressed some 'joss' paper (or it can be called funeral paper too I get it from asian stores)all over it. It doesn't give complete coverage which is just what you want because then you apply some ink to a sponge applicator and rub it in. I used Tim Holtz Distress Ink in Frayed Burlap. Don't you just love the effect?...I wrapped some jute around them too...

...I gave the sewing machine chippie the same treatment as the cotton spools and couldn't help myself; I had to add 'Singer' using letter stickers. Well it is for my mum and she will appreciate that!! LOL I attached a couple of chippie dress forms to the back of the box too that I had covered in patterned paper as well as an assortment of flowers...

Thanks for visiting scrappers and don't forget to check out the shop. Ness has some fabulous Twiddleybitz pieces as well as heaps of other brilliant chipboard.

Have a great weekend.


Monday, October 11, 2010

ATC Background Techniques

There are heaps of ways to create ready made backgrounds for your ATCs (Artist Trading Cards) and cards. I find it useful to create a whole lot at once and then they are ready to go when I need them.


MATERIALS: Gesso, old credit card, cardstock

Simply dip one edge of an old credit card into some Gesso and scrape it across the surface of your cardstock. Once dry you can then rub in some ink to give a lovely finish. Try spraying some Glimmermist over the top for an extra bit of shimmer.


MATERIALS: Clay based shiny paper, Alcohol Inks, Alcohol Blending Solution, blending tool

I recently discovered Alcohol Inks. I just love the quick and easy finish you can achieve with them. They dry in no time flat!!! Just a few drops need to be applied to the blending tool before you dab and swirl onto the special shiny paper. To lighten and blend further, just apply some blending solution in the same manner as the inks. To stamp over the top, Archival Inks work best.


MATERIALS: Distress Inks, Mini Mister, non-stick Craft Mat, cardstock or heavy duty watercolour paper.

This is a technique I saw Tim Holtz demonstrate on his blog and just had to try for myself. You simply stamp your Distress Ink pads directly onto your craft mat. Then spray on some water with a Mini Mister until it beads. Place your cardstock on top and swirl about until it is fully covered. Dry with a heat gun and then repeat until you achieve the depth of colour that you like.


Materials: Flourish stamp, embossing ink, clear UTEE, Distress Inks, white cardstock
This is probably my favourite technique. All you need to do is apply your chosen stamp to your white cardstock with embossing ink, sprinkle over some clear ultra thick embossing enamel, shake off the excess and set with a heat gun. Now simply rub in some Distress Inks using a sponge applicator. You can get some really beautiful results using different combinations of colours.

Hope you enjoyed this post and can use some of these techniques for yourself.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Scrap with V DesignTeam Call

Scrap with V is looking for new Design Team Members to join our already talented team of designers for a 6 month term - 1 November through till April 2011

Design Team Benefits
A fantastic SWV kit for you to design with each month
20% off purchases in the shop (excludes already discounted items)
Free shipping on your orders

Your responsibilities as a Design Team Member:
Complete your monthly kit by the deadline together with instructions
Participate in the monthly SWV Challenges on the new blog
Advertise and participate in the monthly Cyber Crops
Comment on layouts in the Gallery and other DT and participant’s blogs
At least 1 technique or project during your term
Advertise our sales and display your monthly kit on your blog once released.
Display our blinkie on your blog.

Got you interested? Would like to know how to apply?
Simply email the following to Vanessa at

Name and address
5 photos of your favourite layouts/cards/projects
Link to your blog or online gallery
List of any design teams you participate on and previous teams

All applications are due by 22nd October 2010

The new Design Team will be announced Tuesday 26th October.

The design team term will be from November 2010 – April 2011.

No previous experience is necessary; we all have to start somewhere.

International applications welcome.

Scrap with V October Kits

Scrap with V October Kits are now available in store.

Check out the sneak peek below of some of the fantastic kits the Design Team have created for this month. Head over to the shop to see the entire kit for each Design Team kit. More in store.
thanks for stopping by!!

Ness & the Design Team

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Scrap with V Pink Cyber Crop 8th October

Hi everyone

Head on over to the Scrap with V forum to take part in a great fundraiser for a very good cause. We are fundraising to help families of those who have breast cancer. We tend to not realise that these ladies are really given no assistance financially to help them with treatment, surgery and of course their normal day to day bills and family commitments.

All monies raised and your entry donation will go directly to Be-Uplifted Inc who help those families in need. You can read more on the Be-Uplifted blog or read more in the forum about the fundraiser. Official receipts for donations will be issued which is tax deductible.

Join us for this fantastic cause and help those in need by doing what you love! Scrapping of course. Just click on the image above to take you over to the forum.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October Sketch Challenge by Belinda

Hi everyone

This is exciting, we are bringing to you the October Sketch challenge both in the forum and on the blog until the close of the forum at midnight on 31st October.

Please has given us a fantastic sketch for this month, a great double page layout from Pagemaps.

and this is Belinda's fabulous take on the sketch

Now you don't have to do a double page layout, you are most welcome to convert to a single page layout. Why not give it a go?? You could just win yourself a voucher to spend in the store.

All you need to do is complete your take on the sketch by midnight 31st October and have it uploaded into the Scrap with V gallery or Link up below using Mr Linkie.

A winner will be announced in the first week of November.

Looking forward to seeing your take on the sketch.

Ness and the Design Team

Welcome to the new Scrap with V Blog

Hi everyone

Well we are currently in the process of making a number of changes over at Scrap with V.  Firstly the sites are on the move again and will be back online very soon.

After the October Cyber Crop the forum will close along with our current blog and this Blog will take over.

Here you will find our challenges, swaps, techniques, new products arriving in store and of course our very popular monthly Class Kits.

Thanks so much for your patience and I look forward to seeing you all here very soon.

Love Ness xx